A3dsViewer 1.8 version was been released by AptaGraphis.
Download the latest version: A3dsViewer.exe.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate and contact me by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3ds models publish sample on Google Drive: https://googledrive.com/host/0BzMh0odXw7JsbFBpY2h2RWNiVVk/.
Arc ball rotation improved.
- HTML5 3ds models publish/export:
- Three.js version updated: 63 => 65.
- Enable/Disable server side gzip compression. If you are hosting your models with Google Drive the page size decreases about 30-50%.
- Possibility to include additional JavaScript code. E.g.: you can do integration with Google Analytics to track your 3D models page visits.
- How to set up web tracking code click here.
- Simply paste Google Analytics tracking code to HTML5 output settings dialog.
- Detects WebGL support.
- Possibility generate download link of the 3D model zip package.
Do check out HTML5 export samples: